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Sunshine Forest

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Sunshine Forest
テリのもり Telly Forest

The Sunshine Forest as seen at the start of Chapter 2

Nowhere Islands
Connected areas
Tazmily Village
Mt. Oriander

Sunshine Forest is a forest in Mother 3 located between Tazmily Village and Mt. Oriander. It is one of the two major forests on the Nowhere Islands, being the western-most forest. It is home to many animals, as well as Isaac, and Lighter with his son Fuel.

Sunshine Forest was once a peaceful area, but after it caught on fire in Chapter 1, the animals residing inside the forest became very agitated and would often attack people. Sunshine Forest later became home to a number of Chimeras.


Sunshine Forest can be accessed from the south by taking the west path from Tazmily Village's Cross Road. The road passes the Forest Prayer Sanctuary at the entrance to the forest, before curving north. The path winds north and east then under a large tree trunk, then reaches a fork at Isaac's house, where west leads to a hot spring and north further in to the forest. The forest splits into two halves, the east half will lead to Lighter and Fuel's house to the north end.

The west half of the forest winds north until it reaches the cliffs of Mt. Oriander. The forest path then passes a river and exits north towards Alec's house and Argilla Pass.


The Sunshine Forest is first featured when the Pigmask Army sets Fireflies loose that set fire to the forest in Chapter 1. Lighter is found deep inside the forest, begging Flint to rescue Fuel, still inside his home. Thomas remains with Lighter to tend to his wounds. Deeper in, Lighter's home is caught on fire as well. Destroying a barricade, Flint rescues Fuel and, though they are both covered in soot, they escape unharmed. After Flint escorts Fuel back to the village, a rain puts out the fire.

Later, during their search for Flint's family, lightning strikes, knocking down a tree. Flint is forced to take a less safe route up Mt. Oriander, with aid of Duster's Wall Staples. On the way back, Flint is told the children were found near the river; however, their mother was found dead with a Drago's fang in her heart.

Flint later passes through once more durinv the search for Claus, who left for the mountains alone to avenger his mother. Flint, along with Alec, cross the river using frogs to reach Aeolia's house at the foot of the mountain.

Later in Chapter 3 after Fassad's speech to the Tazmily Villagers, Salsa is forced to deliver a Happy Box to four people, with Isaac being located in the forest. Later, after being rescued, Salsa's party is forced to escape through the forest, reaching a dead end. They are attacked by the Pork Tank there, with its defeat signifying the end of the chapter.

Towards the end of Chapter 7, Lucas's party is forced to pass through the forest on the way to Ionia's home.


Introduced in Chapter 1

Item Location
Antidote.png Antidote
  • Inside Isaac's house (infinite amount)
  • West half of the forest to the south
AriesBracelet.png Aries Bracelet On the path to the hot spring
AquariusBracelet.png Aquarius Bracelet North of the riverbank
BeefJerky.png Beef Jerky ×3
  • West half of the forest to the north
  • In the cave up the cliff
  • On the riverbank
Mini-MiniCharm.png Mini-Mini Charm West half of the forest to the north
NutBread.png Nut Bread ×2
  • East half of the forest
  • In the cave up the cliff

Introduced in Chapter 4

Item Location
BakedYam.png Baked Yam West half of the forest to the south
BeefJerky.png Beef Jerky Beside Isaac's house
BreadRoll.png Bread Roll Northwest of the Sprinting Bomb
PeculiarCheese.png Peculiar Cheese East half of the forest, just before the segment where Lighter's house is located
PiscesBracelet.png Pisces Bracelet East side of the forest, hidden behind a Grated Yammonster
Sprintingbomb.png Sprinting Bomb West half of the forest, east of the Bread Roll


Forest area

Chapter 1

Sprite Enemy name Notes
MrBattyOverworldM3.png Mr. Batty At night only
YammonsterOverworld.png Yammonster During fire only
MightyBiteySnakeOverworld.png Mighty Bitey Snake None
FireflyOverworld.png Firefly Boss, x3
FlyingMouseOverworld.png Flying Mouse Boss, appears as a regular enemy during the day
BakedYammonsterOverworld.png Baked Yammonster After fire only
PrayingMantisOverworld.png Praying Mantis During day only
GreedyMouseOverworld.png Greedy Mouse During day only
BeanlingOverworld.png Beanling Very rare, during day only in certain areas, gives out a large amount of experience when defeated
SootDumplingOverworld.png Soot Dumpling Uncommon, around Lighter's house after the fire

Chapter 3

Sprite Enemy name Notes
GreedyMouseOverworld.png Greedy Mouse During Happy Box delivery
PrayingMantisOverworld.png Praying Mantis During Happy Box delivery
PigmaskOverworld.png Pigmask Escape sequence only
ReconMechOverworld.png Recon Mech Escape sequence only
PorkTankOverworld.png Pork Tank Boss

Chapter 4-7

Sprite Enemy name Notes
SlitherhenOverworld.png Slitherhen None
ReallyFlyingMouseOverworld.png Really Flying Mouse None
GratedYammonsterOverworld.png Grated Yammonster May be difficult to defeat when first encountered
BlackBeanlingOverworld.png Black Beanling Very rare, only in certain areas, gives out a large amount of experience when defeated

Cliff area

Chapter 1

Sprite Enemy name Notes
SpudBugOverworld.png Spud Bug During day only
WalkingBushieOverworld.png Walking Bushie During day only
MischievousMoleOverworld.png Mischievous Mole Cave above cliff
ReconstructedCaribouOverworld.png Reconstructed Caribou Boss

Chapter 4-7

Sprite Enemy name Notes
BigSpudBugOverworld.png Big Spud Bug None
WalkingBushieOverworld.png Walking Bushie None


Locations in Mother 3
Nowhere Islands

Cities and towns
Tazmily Village (East Tazmily VillageCerulean Beach) • Saturn ValleyNew Pork City
Thomas's BazaarCaroline's BakeryBeauty & Tasty
Areas of interest
Alec's Log HouseTwins' HouseCross RoadForest Prayer SanctuarySunshine ForestYado InnMt. Oriander (Murki CaveDrago Plateau) • Sunset CemeteryOsohe CastleDeath DesertCandrum UnderpassOld Man's ParadiseRailwayFactoryMurasaki ForestRopewayClub TitibooUnknown ValleyClayman FactoryHighway (Dur-T Cafe) • Thunder TowerChimera LaboratoryMole Cricket HoleSnowcap MountainSaturn ValleyFire MountainSea Floor DungeonTanetane IslandArgilla PassChupichupyoi TempleLimousineArcade 1-UpNew Pork City sewersEmpire Porky BuildingEmpire Porky Building Underground
Final area