Georgia Hard

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Georgia Hard
ジョージア•ハード Georgia Hard
Georgia Hard as he appears in Ness's Adventure Chronicles.
Gender Male
Appears in Ness's Adventure Chronicles (manga)
Occupation Private detective

Georgia Hard is a character, who appears in the Ness's Adventure Chronicles manga. He first appears during Chapter 8, where he discreetly observes Ness, Jeff, Paula and Pokey from behind a tree, as they approach the Twin Pigs Village. He reappears later during nighttime during the same chapter, where he initiates a conversation with Ness and Pokey, which is being held outside of the inn Ness and his friends are currently staying at. There, he introduces himself as a private detective, and tells them to leave the village.

During Chapter 12, he makes a brief appearance, where he gets presented to the Mr. Saturns after Ness and his friends rescued them from Master Belch.

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EarthBound Characters of
Main Party
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Buzz BuzzTracyRunaway FiveApple KidTonyBubble MonkeyDr. AndonutsMr. SaturnTendaFlying Man
FrankCaptain StrongEverdredMr. CarpainterGeldegarde Monotoli
Master BelchMani-Mani StatueNess's NightmarePokey MinchGiygas
Ness's motherNess's fatherKingPicky MinchLardna MinchAloysius MinchLier X. AgeratePhoto-ManB.H. PirkleRuffiniPaula's familyOrange KidMr. PoochyfudGonzaresMaxwellTessieBrick RoadSebastianGeorge MontagueGerardo MontagueSanchez BrothersSesame seedPenetella GiovanniMiss FakeVenusMr. SpoonElectraJackieWarp ManTalah RamaMan K. ManMonkonnaRisosha RichmondeMr. ForkPoo's MasterStar MasterRed SnakeAy-go StikkeNicoMr. PrettymanEnrich Flavor
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