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ハンバーガー Hamburger
Artwork of the Hamburger from Mother 2's instructions booklet
Type Recovery
Appears in EarthBound Beginnings
Mother 3

Hamburgers are recurring items found throughout the EarthBound series. There are several different types of hamburgers found accross the series. They are HP restoring recovery items.


In EarthBound Beginnings

Hamburgers debuted in EarthBound Beginnings with the standard Hamburger. They restore about 50 HP and can be purchased from the Burger shops found in most cities.

In EarthBound

Hamburgers return in EarthBound. In addition to the basic Hamburger, which still heals 50 HP, there are two stronger versions with better HP restoring capabilities, the Double burger and Mammoth burger which heal about 95 and 200 HP respectively.

In Mother 3

Two hamburgers are present in Mother 3: the Big City Burger which heals 100 HP, and the King Burger which heals 280 HP.

List of hamburgers

In EarthBound Beginnings

List of hamburgers in EarthBound Beginnings
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to obtain

Hamburger EBB.jpg Hamburger ハンバーガー
50 HP $25 (buying)
$12 (selling)
PodunkMerrysvilleReindeer and Ellay Burger shops
Fast food for some fast HP.

In EarthBound

List of hamburgers in EarthBound
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to obtain

Hamburger EB.jpg Hamburger ハンバーガー
50 HP $14 (buying)
$7 (selling)
Goes well with the Ketchup packet
Heals 6 HP if consumed by Poo
Onett (trashcan), Giant Step (present), Rainy Circle (present), Monkey Cave (present)
Onett Burger shop, Dusty Dunes Desert Drugstore and food stand near the Gold MineTwoson and Fourside Department store Burger shops
When eaten, you recover about 50 HP. 100% beef.

Double burger.jpg Double burger ダブルバーガー
Double burger
95 HP $24 (buying)
$12 (selling)
Goes well with the Ketchup packet
Heals 6 HP if consumed by Poo
Dusty Dunes Desert (present)
Dr. Andonuts' Lab (Cave Boy's shop), Fourside Grand Department Store Burger shop, Moonside hotel shop
When eaten, you recover about 90 HP. 100% beef.

Mammoth burger.jpg Mammoth burger マンモスバーガー
Mammoth burger
200 HP $98 (buying)
$49 (selling)
Goes well with the Ketchup packet
Heals 6 HP if consumed by Poo
Lost Underworld Tenda's shop
When eaten, you recover about 200 HP.

In Mother 3

List of hamburgers in Mother 3
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to obtain

BigCityBurger.png Big City Burger だいとかいバーガー
Big City Burger
100 HP 60 DP Club Titiboo food stand, New Pork City theater shop
A popular hamburger in the big city. Restores 100 HP.

KingBurger.png King Burger おうさまバーガー
King Burger
280 HP 1700 DP New Pork City theater shop, Pigmask Colonial (15% drop)
Packed so full that the buns barely hold it together. Restores 280 HP.


Items of the EarthBound series
EarthBound Beginnings
Battle itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery itemsStatus boosters
Battle itemsBroken itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items (condiments) • Status boosters
Mother 3
Battle itemsEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items