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A charm is a piece of defensive equipment in EarthBound and Mother 3, to be equipped on a character's body. It raises their defense slightly, varying between different types of charms.

List of charms


All Charms in EarthBound protect from paralysis.

List of charms in EarthBound
Name Japanese Defense Price Additional effects Where to obtain

Travel charm たびのおまもり
Travel charm
+0 $60 Protects from paralysis

Great charm おおきなおまもり
Huge charm
+1 $400 Speed +5
Protects from paralysis
Lilliput Steps (present)
Saturn Valley

Crystal charm かがやくおまもり
Glittering charm
+2 $600 Speed +15
Protects from paralysis

Rabbit's foot うさぎのおまもり
Rabbit charm
+3 Speed +40
Protects from paralysis
Lumine Hall (present)

Mother 3

All charms in Mother 3 are able to be equipped by all characters.

List of charms in Mother 3
Name Japanese Defense Price Additional effects Where to obtain

Mini-MiniCharm.png Mini-Mini Charm ミニミニおまもり
Mini-Mini Charm
+2 N/A Sunshine Forest (present)
To be equipped on the body. Defense +2.

FleaCharm.png Flea Charm ノミのおまもり
Flea Charm
+5 N/A Thomas's Bazaar
100% drop by the Great Antlion attacking the Save Frog in the Death Desert
To be equipped on the body. Defense +5.

MosquitoCharm.png Mosquito Charm カのおまもり
Mosquito Charm
+7 N/A 100% drop by Gooey Goo
To be equipped on the body. Defense +7.

FlyCharm.png Fly Charm ハエのおまもり
Fly Charm
+10 350 DP Small Cave
To be equipped on the body. Defense +10.

BantamCharm.png Bantam Charm チャボのおまもり
Bantam Charm
+15 540 DP Snowcap Mountain
To be equipped on the body. Defense +15.

FeatherCharm.png Feather Charm はねのおまもり
Bantam Charm
+18 1280 Tanetane Island
To be equipped on the body. Defense +18.

PumiceCharm.png Pumice Charm かるいしのおまもり
Pumice Charm
+23 1540 DP Argilla Pass
To be equipped on the body. Defense +23.

HeavyCharm.png Heavy Charm ずっしりのおまもり
Heavy Charm
+26 1820 Argilla Pass
New Pork City
To be equipped on the body. Defense +26.

ThudCharm.png Thud Charm カのおまもり
Thud Charm
+30 N/A Lowers chance of receiving all status ailments by 50% 3% drop by Hippo Launchers
Increases protection from all status ailments. Defense +30.
Armor of the Mother series