Status ailment

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Status ailments, as with most RPGs, affect the way party members participate in battle. Many different status ailments appear throughout the Mother series. Status ailments can be cured through the use of certain restorative items, PSI moves in the Healing series, and the services of hospitals and healers.

Statuses in Mother

(Note: due to the way status is displayed, some names have to be abbreviated. The abbreviations are used in section titles.)


When a character is put to sleep (ねむっている Is Sleeping) during a battle, they are unable to do anything. A character can fall asleep when an opponent uses Hypnosis. A character's resistance to being put to sleep is determined by their Force stat.

Being asleep is healed by:

  • Letting turns pass in battle
  • Finishing the battle
  • Healing π

Asthma attack

An asthma attack is a status that only appears in Mother. Only Ninten can get asthma attacks. He gets them when he breathes in exhaust from vehicular enemies. Ninten is unable to attack when he has an asthma attack.

Asthma attacks are healed by:


Blindness only appears in Mother. It is caused when the PSI technique Darkness is used, or the Flashdark item is used. A blinded combatant's physical attacks will be significantly less accurate than normal. A character's resistance to being blinded is determined by their Strength stat.

Blindness is healed by:

  • Finishing the battle


Getting bound can only happen in Mother, after being exposed to a Rope or being spit on by a sticky substance. Being bound is very similar to being paralyzed, as characters cannot attack when under one of these status conditions. It also counts as an unconscious condition. A Bound combatant has a 25% chance of breaking free each turn.

Being bound is be healed by:

  • Letting turns pass in battle
  • Finishing the battle


When catching a cold (かぜをひいた Caught a Cold), it causes 1 HP to be reduced from characters after every eight steps. Colds are received from certain NPCs on the overworld, located primarily in Snowman and Reindeer.

Colds are be healed by:


Confusion (こんらんした Was Confused) is caused when any form of Brainshock is used, Wicked seeds, or a Rockoyle attack on occasion. This status ailment may cause one to attack anyone in battle. A character's resistance to becoming confused is determined by their Force stat.

Confusion is healed by:


Fainting (いしきふめい Unconscious) happens when a character's HP hits zero. Some status ailments have the affect of being unconscious. PK Beam γ and PK Fire Ω can instantly knock out a character. If all party members become unconscious, then the player receives a game over.

An unconscious character can be revived by:


Paralysis can be caused by the PSI technique Paralysis. When a party member is paralyzed, they cannot do anything. If all party members are paralyzed, then the player receives a game over. A character's resistance to being paralyzed is determined by their Strength stat.

Paralysis can be healed by:


Characters can be poisoned (どくをうけた Received Poison) when enemies use the PoisnNeedle item. Like a cold, poisoned party members lose 1 HP for every eight steps. A character's resistance to being poisoned is determined by their Strength stat.

Poison can be healed by:

PSI Blocked

PSI Blocked is a status that only appears in Mother. A combatant hit with PSI Block cannot use PSI for the remainder of the battle.

PSI Block can be healed by:

  • Finishing the battle


Puzzled (まどわされた Was Puzzled) is a status ailment that only appears in Mother. When party members are puzzled, instead of attacking, they daydream. When Titanians, Woodohs, or Kellies use a certain attack, a character may become puzzled. A character's resistance to becoming puzzled is determined by their Force stat.

Puzzled can be healed by:

  • Finishing the battle
  • Taking damage


Getting turned into stone (いしになった Turned to Stone) is only possible in Mother. Being turned to stone is akin to being unconscious. Enemies can turn party members to stone by using the Stone of Origin item. If all characters are turned to stone, the player gets a game over.

Being turned to stone can be healed by:

Statuses in EarthBound

All status aliments can be cured by the Phase Distorter 3's "Repair" command, going to a Your Sanctuary, or talking to Dr. Saturn

Can't concentrate

Lack of concentration prevents one from using PSI, similar to PSI blocking in EarthBound Beginnings. This was intended to be prevented by having the brain stone in one's inventory. However, likely due to a coding mistake, the brain stone actually does nothing.

Lack of concentration can be healed by:

  • Letting turns pass in battle
  • Finishing the battle

Cold Status Cold EB.png

Colds are often caused by various robots with nighttime-stuffiness beams. It causes the afflicted character to sneeze at the beginning of every turn, losing 3~5 HP. It also lingers on the overworld, and takes away about 2 HP every four seconds.

Colds can be cured by:

  • Cold remedies
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing α / β / γ / Ω

Crying Status Crying EB.png

Crying makes regular attacks much less accurate, although it does not lower the accuracy of PSI.

Crying can be cured by:

  • Finishing the battle
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing β / γ / Ω

Diamondized Status Diamond EB.png

Diamondization is similar to being unconscious, although it does not lower one's HP. A different overworld sprite is also used. If Ness's entire party gets diamondized, it results in a game over. If an enemy is defeated by diamondization, its battle sprite remains on the screen during the victory text.

Diamondization can be cured by:

  • Healers
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing γ / Ω

Feeling strange Status Confused EB.png

When a character feels strange, they may accidentally target someone else rather than the intended target, such as accidentally attacking themselves or their teammates, or healing an enemy.

Feeling strange can be cured by:

  • Finishing the battle
  • Taking damage
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing β / γ / Ω


Ness may occasionally get homesick, depending on his level, and has a 1/8th (12.5%) chance to spend turns thinking about his favorite food, losing motivation in battle and missing his family. The chance for Ness to become homesick is:

  • Level 1-15: 0/256
  • Level 16-30: 3/256
  • Level 31-75: 2/256
  • Level 76-99: 0/256

Homesickness can be cured by:

Mushroomized Status Mushroom EB.png

Ness Mushroomized on the overworld.

Mushroomization (occasionally erroneously referred to as Mashroomization) is similar to feeling strange, although there are fewer ways to cure it and it lingers on the overworld. This causes one to walk in different directions on the overworld, and a mushroom appears on their sprite.

Mushroomization can be cured by:

Nauseous Status Nausea EB.png

Nausea causes one to feel sick at the start of every turn, and lose 15~25 HP. Similar to colds, it also lingers around on the overworld and takes away 10 HP every two seconds. Nausea also increases a character's innate chance to miss to 50%.

Nausea can be cured by:

  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing β / γ / Ω

Poisoned Status Poison EB.png

Poison is identical to nausea, losing 15~25 HP every turn and as they walk on the overworld.

Poison can be cured by:

  • Vial of serum
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing β / γ / Ω

Paralysis Status Paralysis EB.png

When a character is paralyzed, the character cannot use normal attacks (PSI attacks still work) and cannot use items inside or outside of battle. The Bash command is replaced with "Do Nothing". On the overworld, the walking animation will be slowed to half the speed.

Paralysis can be cured by:

Possessed Status Ghost EB.png

Main article: Tiny Li'l Ghost

Ghost enemies may haunt characters with Tiny Li'l Ghosts, which follow them around. Tiny Lil' Ghosts can solidify or attack characters.

Tiny Li'l Ghosts can be cured by:

  • Healers
  • Tiny Li'l Ghost defeated in battle

Sleeping Status Sleep EB.png

When a character falls asleep, they cannot do anything until they wake up. When struck, a character has a 50% chance to awaken and a 25% chance each turn otherwise.

Sleep can be cured by:

  • Letting turns pass in battle
  • Finishing the battle
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing α / β / γ / Ω


Solidification lasts for one turn, and prevents a character from doing anything.

Sunstroke Status Sunstroke EB.png

Having a sunstroke has similar effects to having a cold, losing 3~5 HP at the beginning of every turn. It also lingers on the overworld, taking away 2 HP every four seconds. It only occurs when a character is walking around in the Dusty Dunes Desert, or around Scaraba. Each character has a 30-Guts% chance to get sunstroke every twenty seconds in the above mentioned areas.

Sunstroke can be cured by:

  • Wet towels
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Refreshing herbs
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing α / β / γ / Ω
  • Cold remedy (unintended)


Ness ghost sprite.png
Paula ghost sprite.png
Jeff ghost sprite.png
Poo ghost sprite.png

When a character's HP drops down to 0, they fall unconscious, and cannot do anything. They appear as a ghost on the overworld. If everyone in the party is unconscious, it results in a game over.

  • Nurses at hospitals
  • Cup of lifenoodles
  • Horn of life
  • Secret herbs
  • Healing γ / Ω

Statuses in Mother 3


All status effects other than unconsciousness can be healed by all forms of Healing. However, the amount of status effects healed depends on the level of healing that is used.

Rank Effect PP Characters Level learned
α Heals one status ailment for one party member 4 Lucas
Special event
β Heals all status ailments for one party member 8 Lucas 25
γ Heals all status ailments, including unconsciousness, for one party member 18 Lucas 39
Ω Heals all status ailments, including unconsciousness, for all party members 30 Lucas 56

Crying Status Crying M3.png

When a character is crying, their accuracy is lowered temporarily. The effect wears off after battle.

Memo description

"Status Crying M3.png This mark displayed on the battle screen is an indication of crying. Crying causes the vision to blur, so it will be hard to land an attack. Use Eye Drops to stop those tears right up."

Feeling strange Status Confused M3.png

This particular incarnation of strangeness is incredibly similar to Mushroomization in EarthBound. When a character is feeling strange, they will choose battle commands at random, sometimes attacking other party members. Strangeness also affects movement on the overworld, inverting the d-pad's controls.

Memo description

"Status Confused M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of feeling strange. Feeling strange will result in the inability to walk straight and cause complete confusion as to what one is doing in battle. It's a terribly bothersome condition, but one smack on the head with a Paper Fan will bring you to your senses.

Fleas Status Fleas M3.png

When a character has fleas, they may not be able to use any PSI or special techniques, such as Sniff or Thief Tools.

Memo description

"Status Fleas M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of fleas. The blood-sucking fleas will cause a lot of trouble when the overwhelming itchiness results in the loss of a turn... or the inability to concentrate on using PSI. Use a shot of Flea Spray to exterminate the pests."

Forgetful Status Forget M3.png

When a character is Forgetful, they can't use any special techniques, such as Monkey Tricks and Thief Tools, as well as PSI. The effect wears off after battle.

Memo description

"Status Forget M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of forgetfulness. Everyone has a little brain fart once in a while, even when it comes to PSI. Use a Reminder when suffering forgetfulness, and it should come back to you."

Nausea Status Nausea M3.png

When a character is Nauseous (alternatively Sick) they can't eat any food.

Memo description

"Status Nausea M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of nausea. Nausea results in a loss of appetite and makes the character unable to eat anything. Fresh herbs will restore any lost appetite."

Numbness Status Paralysis M3.png

When a character is Numb, they will sometimes be unable to use the basic bash attack. The effect wears off after battle.

Memo description

"Status Paralysis M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of numbness. Numbness prevents the character from moving or acting while in combat. Anti-Paralysis is effective against numbness."

Poisoned Status Poison M3.png

When a character is Poisoned, they will take damage when walking on the overworld, and in battle they will take damage every turn.

Memo description

"Status Poison M3.png This mark displayed onscreen is an indication of poisoning. HP will drop automatically while walking around. Use an Antidote to heal."

Sleeping Status Sleep M3.png

When a character is Sleeping, they can't take any action until they wake up. The effect wears off after battle. While an enemy is sleeping, a "heartbeat" can be heard, telling the player when to press the A button or L button to achieve extra hits with a basic attack.

Memo description

"Status Sleep M3.png This mark displayed on the battle screen is an indication of sleep. Being asleep during battle prevents the character from taking any action. No matter how sleepy, one ring of the Alarm Cicada should pop one's eyes awake."


When a character is caught in flames, they will take damage every turn. The effect wears off after battle.



When a character is unconscious, they can't perform any actions. If the whole party is unconscious, it results in a game over. Unconsciousness can only be healed by Cups of Lifenoodles, Secret Herbs, Healing γ or Healing Ω.

Whenever a cutscene, such as entering a hot spring or swinging on the Rope Snake, is triggered all unconscious characters are revived with one hp.


When a character is feeling feverish, the party will not be able to run in the overworld. After walking for a certain amount of time, the feverish character will learn a PSI technique, and the status will wear off. The status itself has no actual effect in-battle.

Turned around

Being turned around can only happen to enemies. This prevents a large majority of enemies from attacking, however, a single enemy, the Mecha-Turtle, can use this status effect as an advantage, having weapons on its back. Another enemy, the Whatever, can turn around in the middle of a battle, however, this is beneficial for the player, rather than the enemy. Being turned around can occur in four ways; using a Made-You-Look, Siren Beetle, encountering an enemy from behind, or with a random chance, Duster may deftly flip behind an enemy at the start of a battle.


The Fierce Pork Trooper and other members of the Pigmask Army can be affected by jealousy. It prevents them from taking any action for several turns, and is caused by using DCMC items on them.