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ペンダント Pendant
Artwork of the Rain pendant from Mother 2's instructions booklet
Type Armor
Appears in EarthBound Beginnings
Mother 3

Pendants (Japanese: ペンダント Pendant) are equippable items in all of the EarthBound games. They are used as defensive armor in all games they are present in.


When equipped, pendants will reduce the holder's damage taken from PSI attacks. They are not exclusive to only PSI and will also protect from other element-based attacks, for instance the Flame Pendant in Mother 3 will reduce the damage from all fire-based attacks and not just PK Fire. Starting with EarthBound, they will also enhance the holder's defensive capabilities by a small amount.

Each pendant gives a character protection from different types of PSI attacks based on the element the item is named after: in EarthBound Beginnings the pendant will protect from the PSI attack of the opposite element of the pendant's name, for instance the Fire Pendant protects from PK Freeze. Starting with EarthBound it is reversed and the pendant will protect from the PSI attack that matches the item's name.

List of pendants

In EarthBound Beginnings

The Pendants in Mother have their own equipment slot, being displayed at the bottom of the equipment section of the status screen. The pendants decrease the damage taken by certain PSI attacks by half.

List of pendants in EarthBound Beginnings
Name Japanese Defense Price Notes Where to obtain

H2oPendantEncyclopedia.png H2o Pendant しずくのペンダント
Raindrop Pendant
Halves the damage taken from PK Fire $700 Also protects from explosive attacks Magicant Pendant shop
When you USE it, it will defend against PK Fire.

FirePendantEncyclopedia.png Fire Pendant ほのおのペンダント
Flame Pendant
Halves the damage taken from PK Freeze $700 Abbreviated as FirePendant in-game Magicant Pendant shop
When you USE it, it will defend against PK Freeze.

EarthPendantEncyclopedia.png Earth Pendant だいちのペンダント
Earth Pendant
Halves the damage taken from PK Thunder $700 Abbreviated as EarthPendnt in-game Magicant Pendant shop
When you USE it, it will defend against PK Thunder.

SeaPendantEncyclopedia.png Sea Pendant うみのペンダント
Sea Pendant
Halves the damage taken from every PSI attack except PK Beam N/A Mt. Itoi
When you USE it, it will defend against all PSI attack[sic].


In EarthBound

List of pendants in EarthBound
Name Japanese Defense Price Additional effects Where to obtain

Flame pendant.jpg Flame pendant ほのおのペンダント
Flame pendant
+15 $3000 Protects from Fire Monkey Cave (present)
Saturn Valley (post-Magicant)

Night pendant.jpg Night pendant やみのペンダント
Dark pendant
+15 $3000 Protects from Flash Moonside (present)
Saturn Valley (post-Magicant)

Rain pendant.jpg Rain pendant しずくのペンダント
Raindrop pendant
+15 $3000 Protects from Freeze Pyramid (present)
Saturn Valley (post-Magicant)

Earth pendant EB.jpg Earth pendant だいちのペンダント
Earth pendant
+16 $4000 Protects from Fire, Freeze, Flash (50%) Magicant

Sea pendant EB.jpg Sea pendant うみのペンダント
Sea pendant
+20 Protects from Fire, Freeze, Flash Lost Underworld (present)

Star pendant.jpg Star pendant ほしのペンダント
Star pendant
+30 Protects Fire, Freeze, Flash and Paralysis Dropped by Major Psychic Psycho (1/128 chance)

In Mother 3

List of pendants in Mother 3
Name Japanese Defense Price Additional effects Where to obtain

MagicPendant.png Magic Pendant マホーのペンダント
Magic Pendant
+3 N/A PP+5 (Kumatora only). Equipped on Kumatora at start.
Defense +3. Maximum PP +5.

FlamePendant.png Flame Pendant ほのおのペンダント
Flame Pendant
+15 1500 DP Lowers damage from fire by 50% Saturn Valley
Defense +15. Strong against fire.

IcePendant.png Ice Pendant こおりのペンダント
Ice Pendant
+15 1500 DP Lowers damage from ice by 50% Saturn Valley
Defense +15. Strong against ice.

ThunderPendant.png Thunder Pendant サンダーペンダント
Thunder Pendant
+15 1500 DP Lowers damage from lightning by 50% Saturn Valley
Defense +15. Strong against lightning.
Armor of the Mother series