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ポテトフライ Potato Fries
Artwork of the French Fries from Encyclopedia Mother
Type Recovery
Appears in EarthBound Beginnings
Mother 3

Fries are recurring items found throughout the EarthBound series. They appear as the French Fries (abbriviated as FrenchFries in-game) in EarthBound Beginnings, the Bag of fries in EarthBound, and the Bag of Big City Fries in Mother 3. All three are HP restoring recovery items.


In EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound

In the first two games, fries are primarily used to recover a low amount of HP early in the game, as the French Fries and Bag of fries heal approximately 20 and 24 HP in their respective games. They can be purchased in Burger shops found throughout the first two games.

In EarthBound the Salt packet and Ketchup packet are the best condiments to use with it.

In Mother 3

In Mother 3 the Bag of Big City Fries instead heals approximately 70 HP.

List of fries

List of fries in EarthBound Beginnings
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to find

French fries.jpg French Fries フライドポテト
Potato Fries
20 HP $15 (buying)
$7 (selling)
PodunkMerrysvilleReindeer and Ellay Burger shops
EATen with or without catsup, your HP will rise.
List of fries in EarthBound
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to find

Bag of fries.jpg Bag of fries ポテトフライ
Potato Fries
24 HP $8 (buying)
$4 (selling)
Onett Burger shopTwoson and Fourside Department store Burger shops
When eaten, you recover about 24 HP.
List of fries in Mother 3
Name Japanese Approximate HP restored Price Notes Where to find

BagOfBigCityFries.png Bag of Big City Fries だいとかいポテト
Big City Potatoes
70 HP 40 DP Club Titiboo food stand, Club Titiboo attic (present), New Pork City theater shop, Greedier Mouse (30% drop)
French fries with an urban flair. Restores 70 HP.

Items of the EarthBound series
EarthBound Beginnings
Battle itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery itemsStatus boosters
Battle itemsBroken itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items (condiments) • Status boosters
Mother 3
Battle itemsEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items