User talk:Tina

From WikiBound, your community-driven EarthBound/Mother wiki
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Welcome, Tina, to WikiBound!


Welcome to WikiBound, Tina! We're a wiki that aspires to cover everything about the Mother series. We hope to see you contribute, whether it be by editing articles, or by participating in discussions.

  1. Be sure to read the help page, it will tell you everything you need to know about wikicoding.
  2. Always keep an eye on the recent changes page, where all edits and their authors (anonymous or logged-in) are listed.
  3. Try to expand the information found in articles, and keep an eye out for any false info or vandalism.
  4. Talk to your friends about us; get more users! It's always more fun to edit with friends.
  5. Discussion of any aspect of the site can be made on the community portal page or on the "discussion" page associated with each article. If you write on a user's "talk" page, that user will get an alerting message on their next visit.
  6. If you need help with anything, talk to one of our administrators who can answer most of your questions and assist with problems.
Thanks, and have a good time here, Tina!


Since you know more about earthbound than i do and you look like a reliable editor, I've promoted you an administrator. This. of couse means, i know longer need to patrol your edits. As time goes on, i will probably be handing more and more control over to you. But we will have to wait an see about it. Tacopill 00:35, 17 September 2010 (UTC).

Thanks for the promotion! :D I can't wait to do more work on here. Mother/EB's pretty much my favorite game series ever, so being able to work on a wiki about it is sweet. Tina 21:52, 16 September 2010 (MDT)
Sounds good. I look forward to it. Tacopill 22:29, 16 September 2010 (MDT).
I guess I forgot to congratulate you. Congratulations! A 05:28, 17 September 2010 (MDT)
hey can i have pemison to create the dog page? motherfan101 08:42 7 April 2015 (MDT)


Since Tacopill told me to, do you think there should wiki projects yet? So far, the two I think should be made are Characters and Locations. A 18:08, 23 September 2010 (MDT)

Characters, locations... hrm. How about ones detailing enemies? Items, too. →Tinā δ 18:19, 23 September 2010 (MDT)
Those could work too. I just put the two I mentioned because those are more major focuses of the series. A 18:29, 23 September 2010 (MDT)
Yeah, agreed. I'd suggest PSI/games too, but those aren't really things that could have pages made beyond the stuff already listed...
I can't really think of anything else, though. Everything else that I can think of (mechanics/fanon...?/etc) would be better to start up once the basics are laid down. →Tinā δ 18:51, 23 September 2010 (MDT)
Sounds good you two. When ready, set up this page to talk about Wiki Projects in General (name pending), along with a page for each wiki project. Tacopill 18:56, 23 September 2010 (MDT).


Hi, I am kinda new in this wiki. And I am working on some mother 3 articles. What I wanted to ask is, you do know about the english patch right? Well, is it considered an official source for quotes, description...etc?--Count Bonsula 00:07, 16 November 2010 (MST)

For here, yeah, sure. I've already gone ahead and used all of the fan translation names for things, so it'd be fine if you were to use quotes/etc from it. lol →Tinā δ 07:41, 16 November 2010 (MST)
Ok thanks.--Count Bonsula 00:55, 17 November 2010 (MST)


Silly question; would it be feasible (also permissible) to create a category or box or something similar that would accompany all EB overworld [enemy] sprite images, and another for EB battle images? While the latter isn't that necessary, it would help users keep track of the overworld sprites that are available since they overlap so often for many enemies. If you have no time let me know if I would be able to do this, and if there's any relevant info that would help me in doing it :)

Additional Bribery: if this is feasible, I can upload all of the relevant sprites in one or two gos and name them uniformly...

Thanks again Iamnotapipe 09:37, 17 November 2010 (MST)

Categories for the images would be great, doesn't hurt being organized or anything. I'd go with Category:EarthBound overworld sprites and EarthBound battle sprites, personally. Naming conventions would be good... I've been meaning to get around to writing a list of naming conventions for things, since it seems to be rather all over the place right now.
If you could upload the overworlds, that would be great! I'm really uncomfortable with handling files and all that, otherwise I would do more image work on here. lol →Tinā δ 12:07, 17 November 2010 (MST)

A question about uploading images. Is it possible to upload directly from a link? Shayminguy7 14:30, 1 January 2011 (MST)

Not at the moment, sorry. You'd have to save the image to your computer and upload from there for now. It's possible to enable uploads from links, but I don't have the access to switch that on. D: →Tinā δ 14:33, 1 January 2011 (MST)


Hey, could you please demote me from a sysop to a regular user? I have no use here anymore, I've done my duty of setting up basic stuff. A 20:53, 27 January 2011 (MST)

Template Help

Anyway of putting an enemy template to the left or directly under another template? Experimenting with putting enemy characters on the same page as a character. If you think it might be a bad idea, STOP ME NOW. Shayminguy7 08:41, 12 February 2011 (MST)

Not sure what you mean here... do you mean just putting the enemy and character navigational templates on the same page? Because if so, I don't have a problem with that at all. I'm not too sure about the infoboxes, though, it'd get clunky. (Unless show/hide buttons were to be used or something?) →Tinā δ 10:00, 12 February 2011 (MST)
Well, for instance, Pokey has two enemy bios, Heavily Armed, and Porky. Right now, (I still have the edits up) the two templates look really messy and next to each other. A hide button would help, but so would the possibility of a left side placement. Maybe even a way to put the second one DIRECTLY under the first. The character info box isn't a problem, just the two enemy infoboxes. Shayminguy7 10:59, 12 February 2011 (MST)
Left side placement would be very squished and would look pretty bad on the "standard" monitor width (1024px wide). There's a way to put the second infobox under the first, a <br clear="all"> should work just fine. Or try doing something like Starman, actually. That might be better. →Tinā δ 11:05, 12 February 2011 (MST)

Hey, When you get a chance....

Hey when you get a chance, can you check out something i have been working on in my sandbox. Thank you, Tacopill 09:14, 22 May 2011 (MDT),

"List of equippable items in Mother 3"

I'm thinking of making this a disambiguation type page, since we already have pages for Stick, Ribbon, Shoes, Bandanas etc... would that be okay? Multus 15:41, 22 May 2011 (MDT)

Yeah, sure. Be sure to make it for the other two games, too. →Tinā δ 16:19, 22 May 2011 (MDT)
Yep, working on it. We need a table or something for them to make them less boring... The Mother 3 pages look fine imo but only because the items have pictures and stuff. Multus 23:25, 22 May 2011 (MDT)
There are actually images for every item of the first Mother game in the Mother Encyclopedia, which can decrease the blandness of the EB0-related lists (and which I'd be happy to scan, yay). But I agree that some kind of infoboxish template should be made for them, so that we'll be prepared for the time when the lists are expanded to the extent of every item getting their own section, and thus enable their basic properties and whatnot to be neatly organized (though this perhaps wouldn't be as practical with the "key" and "miscellaneous" items, as their functions can vary by a lot). Sun Braid 06:57, 23 May 2011 (MDT)
I've been meaning to get around to making an item template of sorts, but I could never figure out a good design for it. :I Seeing as work on items is starting to increase a lot, though, I should probably get on that soon...
That's pretty neat that every item has art from the Mother Encyclopedia, though! I know some stuff from M2 has artwork from the Mother 2 guide and other miscellaneous sources, but not everything. →Tinā δ 08:47, 23 May 2011 (MDT)

Automated Messages

Hi,I am a autoconfirmed user on SmashWiki,known as Forbidden7 there. Over at that Wiki,we don't give a welcome message until a user has made one good-faifth edit to the mainspace. On top of that,said messages are not automated. This is done so vandals are not welcomed. Also the message doesn't say "Hi there(Username)! Welcome to genericexampleWiki! Blah,blah,blah.". It instead says that message,without any mention of the username. This is done so we don't have welcome messages that say "Hi there,Mr.Shithead!". Anyway,I was wondering if you'd like to use this kind of message "system". It wouldn't be time consuming,seeing as you just have to type in the Welcome template. Also,a welcome message done by a user themeselves makes the Wiki feel even more friendly than it already is! So,what do you say? SmashertheWiki 19:41, 9 July 2011 (EDT)

That's how it's done on Bulbapedia, too- and really I do kinda like personal welcome messages over the automated ones. Plus, since we don't get new accounts over here too often, it's pretty easy to handle putting the welcome template on pages. I'd have to disagree on doing it after they make an edit, though, since then new users can review guidelines and editing tips before doing anything, if they're new to wikis. But hey, that's just me! →Tinā δ 20:20, 9 July 2011 (EDT)

So yes? SmashertheWiki 20:23, 9 July 2011 (EDT)

I'll ask some other people on their opinion before doing anything, since it's not a small change and all. I don't have tech access, either, so I wouldn't be able to change it right away. →Tinā δ 20:24, 9 July 2011 (EDT)
Alright then. SmashertheWiki 20:29, 9 July 2011 (EDT)


You can find some great deals on Amazon for a SNES and Earthbound. They'll have to be used,but it's often hard to notice once you get it and they work 100% well. Usually. SmashertheWiki 22:51, 9 July 2011 (EDT)

Scratch that. SNES is okay,Earthbound is too pricey. SmashertheWiki 22:54, 9 July 2011 (EDT)

Oh, trust me, I've looked and I know the prices. I know how expensive EB is. :P (I'm probably just going to rely on lurking nearby thrift stores and retro game shops.) →Tinā δ 23:33, 9 July 2011 (EDT)
Found an Earthbound cartridge for $0.99 might wanna start bidding. SmashertheWiki 19:39, 10 July 2011 (EDT)
It's okay, really. I can look for myself when I have the money. →Tinā δ 19:45, 10 July 2011 (EDT)

I guess you're the best person to ask this...

I missed some of the items in the Mother 3 item lists, particularly this list(I'm not 100% with my Japanese, but I did my best, honest! I *still* can't do Kanji very well...). And I'm sure some of them in the EarthBound list are a bit *too* literal as well...(But I knew enough to do all of them in that list. Mother 3 was a bit tougher it seems, heh heh...) If you can do it better, please do so. Thanks. Multus 18:23, 18 November 2011 (EST)

Alright, I'll look them over and try giving the translations a shot. :D →Tinā δ 19:26, 18 November 2011 (EST)

Hello, Tina!

Well, thank you for the photo info. Is there something I have to do with them. Maybe erase them. Is it even possible to erase them. And also, can I submit stuff like custom Clay Models and custom Sprites, just like you did. (Sorry for not placing any question marks, my keyboard doesn't type them... Also, sorry for so many questions, It's the first time this happens to me).--Gooptek 00:05, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Bear in mind that WikiBound's purpose isn't only decorating your personal pages, there's also information to edit. Yes, it's okay to have a couple of personal images like custom clay models or sprites, but keep it to a minimum. Just remember that there's a wiki to edit! →Tinā δ 01:49, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Well, thank you for pointing that error to me and thank you for fixing it. But, right now, I have another question: I was browsing trough the list of wanted pages, and I've seen ones like this: File:Starman.png. That means that the Wiki is wanting the photo of a Starman? (Right now, I could place a question mark, only because I've copied one over here).--Gooptek 10:28, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Probably just a bad link to something, we already have a lot of pictures of Starmen. →Tinā δ 13:56, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Hey, uh, and only admins can have that special signature?--Gooptek 18:48, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Your signature can be formatted under your preferences. Multus 21:33, 20 November 2011 (EST)

Something else: how did you made your custom sprite? Did you used a sprite editor? Wich one?--Gooptek 19:26, 29 November 2011 (EST)

I didn't use a specific sprite editor, I just whipped it up in Photoshop. Paint works fine too, though. :V →Tinā δ 22:32, 29 November 2011 (EST)
Uh, and you could help me giving me some tips? Also, I've posted this on November 30, why you didn't answer me yet? Were you traveling?--Gooptek 12:23, 30 November 2011 (EST)
Gah, sorry. I'm not really one to give out tips, I'm really bad at explaining how my mind works when it comes to drawing. Sorry. :( →Tinā δ 17:40, 20 December 2011 (EST)

Mother 1+2 Translation

The Mother 1+2 Fan Translation has different names for the enemies(And some characters). Should I add a bunch of redirects for them? Multus 18:20, 28 December 2011 (EST)

Yes, redirects would be helpful. →Tinā δ 18:46, 28 December 2011 (EST)


Since you're sort-of the go-to person with design stuff, I'd like your opinion on this infobox now that I did stuff to make it look nicer. I want to get the item issue resolved, once and for all. I have the scrollbar issue worked out, too, which can be seen in action here. :P Multus 22:24, 30 December 2011 (EST)

As nifty as the EB-styled shop windows are, they kind of don't match the rest of the wiki. I quite like how that's laid out, though, in terms of how the table itself looks. But I'm just not sure about the whole black boxes thing, hmmm... I'd rather it use the EarthBound color scheme or something, to keep with the whole pastels theme of the site. →Tinā δ 01:24, 31 December 2011 (EST)
Done, and done. Glad to have one issue finally resolved. :D Multus 01:36, 31 December 2011 (EST)
Going to need to finish the conversion to the new system tomorrow, (it's a pain in the butt) too tired to finish today (It's like 4 in the morning, lol...) but it looks really nice and colorful, and I'm happy with the result. :O Multus 04:08, 31 December 2011 (EST)
I agree, the finished result looks great! Well done. :D →Tinā δ 15:34, 31 December 2011 (EST)

NIWA Template Update

Hi. Be sure to update the NIWA Template to include Icaruspedia. Thanks :D --Starphoria 14:15, 25 March 2012 (EDT)

It's quite rude to ignore people

You recently deleted me from Skype and never told me why. I've been forced to bug tacopill, who actually likes it when I bug him. How odd. Regardless, I may not seem serious sometimes, but I value manners above all else. The least you could have done is told me why, rather then ignoring me completely. You were nice to talk to. Thieverpedia (talk) 17:10, 9 February 2014 (UTC)

I have sent you a PM on's forums about this, I'd rather talk about it in private than on a talk page. →Tinā δ 21:20, 10 February 2014 (UTC)

Confirmation E-mail

So, I'm trying to enter the code in my confirmation e-mail and it says it's invalid whenever I try. I know it's correct since I just copied and pasted it, but it still won't work. It says it may have expired, but it hasn't. What should I do? BOS2014 (talk) 03:54, 10 April 2014 (UTC)NESS=AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try looking around at your preferences, there may be a link to resend the confirmation email, but I'm not sure. If it isn't working, then the code you have probably expired somehow. I'm sorry if I can't be much help, I don't have any knowledge on server-side things so I can't help much. :( →Tinā δ 06:23, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

Smash 4 Render

I have the official image for Ness in Smash 4, but due to the current climate on this wiki, I am unable to upload it. Do you know any way I can send it to someone able to upload it to this site, so that we can update Ness' gallery? -User:Phineas81707

Hmm, Upload file didn't work? That's weird, it should work, but maybe there's some server issues or something. Regardless, you can upload it to imgur or something and link me, and I'll upload it. Make sure that it's transparent and good quality, though! ~platinatina (talkcontribs) 17:20, 7 October 2014 (UTC) Hope the specs are all right. The description should mention WikiBound. (P.S. I was probably blocked as a new user, thanks to the recent bouts of vandalism. I understand your reasoning, and accept the inconvenience.) -User:Phineas81707

Ness Amiibo

The Ness amiibo figure was announced today, and comes out this spring. I'm sure you agree it's a big deal to have at least something Earthbound sold in stores, not to mention he's a full-on figure!

I have the official website and a high-res photo for him. I hope this might make the news.

official website photo

I'd upload the photo myself, but I've been having trouble with that. Every time I try, it says "You do not have permission to create new pages". Is that normal for a normal user like me? It also does that on never-created pages. Could you help me? Thanks. -Peanutcheesebar (talk) 02:09, 15 January 2015 (UTC)

Update: I understand the problem now, and sorry for bothering you. I just wonder now what to do about posting that news somewhere. -Peanutcheesebar (talk) 01:43, 6 February 2015 (UTC)


We NEED a lot of updates here. Most articles still refer to Smash 3DS as "upcoming", infromation from the Wii U version is missing, and since Lucas came back as DLC in SSB4, there's going to be lots of updating. Artwork. Infromation. PICTURES. I can't do it on my own. Maybe an announcement at the main page or something? Everyone needs to come back, can't do it on my own. --PK Safyire Ω! [Defend] 01:39, 2 April 2015 (UTC)

I will help it's just when I try to make a page it says I don't have prmison. can you give me prmison? motherfan101 (UTC)
You need to be autoconfirmed to make a page. You need to have made (unknown) amount of edits (don't purposely spam, please) and be a member for a week, I think. The conditions are different each wiki. --PK Safyire Ω! [Defend] 22:50, 8 April 2015 (UTC)
Ok thanks for telling me. Motherfan101 4:26 17 Aprill 2015 (UTC)