User:BB Gang Zombie

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This user is the laziest editor on the entire website.
You can discuss this issue on the talk page or edit the wiki in his stead.
BB Gang Zombie
ビッグボスだんゾンビ Big Boss Gang Zombie
Tina is a pretty cool person, I'm just saying.
Appearance in Life
Gender Male
Age 18
Appears in WikiBound
Residence America
Relatives Mom
Occupation Full-time part-timer
Traveling partners DONKEY KONG
Duffy the Talking Cat
Non-PSI ability Making dumb voices

BB Gang Zombie is an administrator on WikiBound for some reason. He is writing this user page instead of fixing things on the wiki which is in the unpaid job description. (In the fine print it also told me to be a space dragon.)

About me

I like a lot of games, EarthBound being a favorite of mine. I also love the Donkey Kong Country series a lot, and pretty much any old Rareware game. I am also a fan of Metal Gear?! and Metroid. Oh, I also really love Bubsy. Aside from the games themselves, I am a big fan of Retsupurae, and I watch Let's Plays in my spare time. I like to draw and make music sometimes (favorite styles being metal Yoshi's New Island remixes). My favorite color is blue. I like long walks on the beach and roleplaying Zelink--oh, wait. This isn't a dating site, my bad.

Actually, to be honest, there is literally not a time where I am not playing a Donkey Kong game. In fact, I've never actually played any Mother games. Just Donkey Kong. My life is Donkey Kong. I'm even Miiverse married to him. You just don't understand our love, okay.

By the way, in case you were wondering, my favorite movie is A Talking Cat!?!.


Favorite foods


  • His favorite game in the series is Mother and favorite character in the series is Boney.
  • Heeeeyyoooo, look out down below! Here he comes, banana slamma! BWEEWEOWEOEOEOEOOOO

Contact me
Talk pageStarmenSkype