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Letters are items appearing at the end of EarthBound, found in presents in Saturn Valley after Poo uses PSI Farewell.

List of letters

Letter from mom

The Letter from mom is addressed to Ness and written by Ness's mother.

Letter from Mom

Dear Ness,
How are you?
Since you left home on your journey, things have changed around here.
For example, I don't have as much laundry.
Also, we don't seem to eat your favorite food as much as we used to.
I heard that you defeated some universal evil character--what was it,
Googi, or something like that?
Well, that sounds really great!
I want to hear all the details, so hurry home, okay?
Tracy, King and I are waiting for you.

Letter from Tony

The Letter from Tony is addressed to Jeff, with specific instructions not to let anyone else read it. If shown to Jeff, he says that Tony has a heart of gold.

Letter from Tony

Dear Jeff,
Everything's really going great here.
I wish I could have gone with you on your adventure, even just part of the way,
but instead I'm sitting here, waiting for you in Winters.
I want to see you again as soon as possible. I can't wait to see your cheerful face.
I bet your glasses are dirty... If you come back, I'll clean them for you!
Like I said, I'm waiting for you.
Yours truly,

P.S. Don't show this letter to anyone!

Letter from kids

The Letter from kids is addressed to Paula and is written by the children attending the Polestar Preschool. It appears to be written by a total of five children.

Letter from kids

Dear Paula,
How are you doing?
I'm fine.
I fine too!
So are me!
Me also!
Me okay.
Please come and play with us again at the Polestar Preschool.
Oh yeah, one more thing, bring us some presents ...if you have any.
Your friends at the
Polestar Preschool