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チューチューマシン Sucker Machine
HP sucker.jpg
Hungry HP sucker.jpg
Artwork of the HP-Sucker (top) and the Hungry HP-Sucker (bottom) from the Mother 2 strategy guide
Type Battle item
Appears in EarthBound

The HP-Sucker refers to the HP-Sucker (Japanese: チューチューマシン Sucker Machine) and its improved form the Hungry HP-Sucker (Japanese: スーパーチューチュー Super Sucker) in EarthBound. They are reusable battle items only usable by Jeff.


When Jeff uses the HP-Sucker, it absorbs HP from a single enemy. It sucks 1/8th of the target's max HP +/- 50%, and has a luck/80 chance to fail.

The Hungry HP-Sucker absorbs HP from all enemies, with the same damage and miss calculations as previous model.



Buying Selling
Not for sale Cannot be sold

Hungry HP-Sucker

Buying Selling
Not for sale Cannot be sold

In-game description


Items for Jeff. Sucks up some HP from the target creature. The more HP an enemy has, the more you get. Can be used many times.

Hungry HP-Sucker

Items for Jeff. Sucks up some HP from all the enemies. The more HP the enemies have, the more you get. Can be used many times.

Where to obtain


Limited quantity Infinite quantity
Belch's Base (trashcan)

Hungry HP-Sucker

Limited quantity Infinite quantity
Fix the Broken tube

Items of the EarthBound series
EarthBound Beginnings
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Battle itemsBroken itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items (condiments) • Status boosters
Mother 3
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