
Revision as of 18:29, 7 November 2020 by TRDasho (talk | contribs) (Change some words to be simpler. Added content in the Mother 3 section of the page.)

Dollar (often abbreviated as $; Japanese: ドル Dollar) is the standard currency used in EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound, which likely is because the overworlds, where the games mainly take place in, are based on America. In both games, money is mainly obtained by defeating enemies, where the amount of money that is gained usually depends on the stat values of the enemy. The money isn't obtained directly after the defeat of an enemy, as the protagonist's father will transfer the money that has been indirectly achieved to one's bank account. Money can then be withdrawn from or deposited to ATMs by the use of a Cash Card in Mother, and an ATM card in EarthBound. In EarthBound, the player can carry a maximum of $99,999.

Money is a substantial element in both games, as it's exchanged with goods and services from stores, hospitals and hotels throughout the games, in order to restore one's HP and PP, and to obtain new items or upgrade older ones; which primarily are used to increase or heal certain stats during one's journey, and to assist one during battles by inflicting additional damage to enemies, or to have them exposed to status ailments.

The dollar is succeeded by Dragon Power in Mother 3, which serves as the game's main currency. It serves the same primary function such as buying and upgrading items like in the other games in the series but it can be saved and withdrawn from Save Frogs instead of calling the protagonist's father so that they can transfer the money to them.
