
From WikiBound, your community-driven EarthBound/Mother wiki
Revision as of 19:56, 20 September 2010 by Tina (talk | contribs) (actually considering that files and I don't really get along well at all, scratch that idea. :X still going to write chapter though)
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My to-do list for WikiBound, in no particular order:

  • Create Mother 1 character articles Done... ish. There's not really a whole lot of M1 characters that could use their own articles.
  • Expand on Mother 1/3 character articles
  • Write M3 chapter summaries! I feel like it'd be easiest to get everything else nice and expanded with the chapter summaries put up first, plot-wise. Seriously, get to this! Seeing M3 so un-expanded is so sad. BUT DON'T WORRY MOTHER 3, YOU'LL GET THE PK LOVE YOU NEED SOON!
  • Create more templates
  • Color schemes! Finished ones for the three main sections (Characters/PSI/Locations) Create ones for the games themselves, though? Probably would be just used for misc things having to do with the games
    • Mother 1: Red/black?
    • Mother 2/EB: Red/gold?
    • Mother 3: Red/silver?
    • Enemies: Some kinda silver? Not really sure here...
    • In conclusion: I LOVE COLORS.
  • Create Mother 3 location articles
  • Finish up PSI moves. Somewhat tedious, but it's gotta be done. @_o Filled in basic damage and info and stuff. I'd rather focus on plot and design-related things, to be honest, so that's probably all I'll do. There's still character learnlists to do... but... BLAHHHHH.
  • Create some help articles- however, I'm pretty bad at trying to get points across and explaining them... Dibs on the color scheme help, signatures and maybe some other stuff :P
  • Need to get around to making two character learnlists- one for the main Mother games, and then a table detailing Smash Bros. moves for Ness and Lucas. Shouldn't be too hard, simple table templates are nice and easy. If someone could fill out the learnlists for respective characters once the template's created, that would be awesome. D: I'd really like to focus on expanding plot stuff instead of clacking away at lists.

Also, I keep forgetting Skype exists. Whoops. I should remember to keep it open more often.