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Cast Roll is in all three Mother games. The cast roll shows the overworld sprites for almost all the characters found in the Mother game it is in. The protagonist and the party members are mostly seen near the end, and major characters are seen beforehand.

In Mother

No names are given to any of the characters, but some, such as Ninten's family, should be recognizable. All Ninten, Ana, Lloyd, and Teddy are shown at the same time, and stay on screen longer than all the others. This games cast roll is viewable only in the Earth Bound prototype and Mother 1+2. This not being in the original game, along with the cutscene before hand, confused most people at the time, since Teddy was gravely injured in the end, and it doesn't tell his fate after Giegue is defeated.

In Earthbound/Mother 2

Gives the names of all the characters. In the end, the photograph guy will 'take a picture' of the player. The credits that follow, which consist of all the pictures taken over your journy, won't show this picture, since the game, nor any TV it is played on, could actually accomplish this.

In Mother 3

Much like Earthbounds cast roll, except it doesn't show ALL the characters (one such example is Mike, who gives Flint some nut cookies before entering the burning Sunshine Forest), and most of the important characters will preform special actions based on their roll in the game. (This was in Earthbounds cast roll, too, but was scarce) Their actions include:

  • Lighter and Fuel: Lighter whacks the fly flying around him.
  • Bud & Lou: Do their usual comedian act.
  • Alec: Arrow lizard points at him.
  • Butch: walks by with a cow, his pig, and the money Fassad stole from him.
  • Scamp: apperes as a tombstone, then as actual overworld sprite.
  • Nippolyte: digs the ground while zombies apper behind him.
  • Wess: does the dance preformed at the gate at Oshoe castle.
  • Duster: watches Wess dance, then runs off(apperes later with the DCMC)
  • Friendly Ghosts: Talk, then proboly tries to scare the player.
  • Item Guy: walks past his name with his cart
  • DCMC: plays music, then Duster, as Lucky, joins(proboly meaning he re-joined the DCMC after the Dragons awakening.)
  • Kumatora: appers as her Violet disguise, then appers as herself and runs off.
  • Bucket Bros.: scoop water.
  • Claymen: one is broken, so another drags it off.
  • Ultimate Chimera: runs after Claymen.
  • Mr. Saturn: Fish for birdies, and then the Mr. Saturn who gave Lucas the Franklin Badge appers(some also balance on one another when ...
  • Leder appers, ringing his bell)
  • Dragos: Roar.
  • Magypsies: Do actions based on the magypsie(such as Aeolia in its chair, Lydia with the bunnies and unmasked pigmask, Phrygia sleeping, and Mixolydia appering in illusion, then as regular self.
  • Save Frogs: Apper as all SF you find throughout Mother 3.
  • Fassad: eats a banana
  • Pigmasks: do hand gestures
  • Chauffer & Mini-Porky: Chauffer changes hat, and mini-Porky flashes blue.
  • Oxygen Supply: make faces as if giving oxygen
  • Porky: appers as fake Porky, then the real one in the Spider Mecha
  • Masked Man: Takes off mask, then continues onto his own name as Claus.
  • Flint & Hinawa: talk to Claus.
  • Boney: is pet by Clause
  • Lucas & Clause: run off, which then continues on to credits.


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