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A template for displaying the Mr. Saturn font. Saturn b.pngSaturn o.pngSaturn i.png Saturn n.pngSaturn g.pngSaturn exclaim.png



Replace <letter> with the character you would like to use. You can use up to twenty letters by separating each with a "|". Do not use regular spaces, use {{sat|space}} instead. Available characters and their names you must use for it to work:

  • a-z (no uppercase)
  • 0-9
  • & (and), * (asterisk), : (colon), , (comma), ! (exclaim), [ (leftbracket), ( (leftpara), $ (money), % (percent), . (period), + (plus), ? (question), " (quote), ] (rightbracket), ) (rightpara), ; (semicolon), / (slash), ~ (tilde), α (alpha), ' (apostrophe), β (beta), Saturn circle.png
(circle), - (dash), Saturn dot.png
(dot), = (equals), γ (gamma), Saturn leftarrow.png
(leftarrow), Saturn music.png
(music), Ω (omega), Saturn rightarrow.png
(rightarrow), Σ (sigma)