Baseball bat

Revision as of 22:34, 9 October 2010 by Tina (talk | contribs) (M1 was easy so I figured it wouldn't hurt to do that as well.)

Baseball bats are used as weapons in all of the Mother games, primarily in the first and second games. They are mostly used by Ninten and Ness, and occasionally Lucas.

List of baseball bats


Name Japanese Cost Offense
Plastic Bat ボロのバット Worn-Out Bat $80 +3
Wooden Bat ふつうのバット Ordinary Bat $500 +12
Aluminum Bat いいバット Good Bat $1000 +30
Hank's Bat さいこうのバット Supreme Bat × +48


Mother 3

Name Japanese Cost Offense Other effects
Fake Bat ニセバット 20000 DP +30 ×
Real Bat ホンモノのバット × +100 PP +50

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