
Joined 30 August 2010
1,000 bytes added ,  20 September 2010
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(Updating to-do list... and with that, I'm off to bed. <o)
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Also, I keep forgetting Skype exists. Whoops. I should remember to keep it open more often.
Also, I keep forgetting Skype exists. Whoops. I should remember to keep it open more often.
==Screenshots and crap==
So I'm doing a playthrough of Mother 3 right now and I figure I should probably write down some things to screenshot and stuff :V
*Chapter images
**Chapter 1: Probably one of Flint on the Drago plateau
**Chapter 2: Duster in Osohe Castle (maybe one of him grabbing onto one of the candles with Rope Snake? :P :P)
**Chapter 3: Salsa with the Happy Boxes
**Chapter 4: Lucas outside of Club Titiboo
**Chapter 5: Lucas and friends in disguise in front of Thunder Tower
**Chapter 6: Lucas in the sunflower field (this is so obvious it hurts)
**Chapter 7: This is kind of hard... maybe one of Lucas and the party in front of the Tanetane Island needle...? :V Or maybe one outside of Ionia's house.
**Chapter 8: Outside the Empire Pork Building, derp
Also going to nab screenshots of important events in the game in general. If I can uh, remember to.
Oh. I can also get stuff of EB0/EB too, but I figured that I'd focus on M3 for now since that's what I'm currently playing. \o/
