You cannot grasp the true form of NintenBOUND's knowledge! Hi, I'm Logan, and this is currently my first account on any sort of wiki. I don't own any blogs or accounts anywhere else (except for the non-accessible account I use to watch YouTube videos, I suppose), but you can usually find me tweaking things here or there on this wiki. Why this one specifically? I was inspired by this wiki's mission statement: "WikiBound's goal is to be the complete repository for all content relating to EarthBound, where all the info is here except for the info that isn't here." And, since I have so much knowledge of the series and its games, I decided to deposit it into the confines of this wiki in order to eradicate some of its inconsistencies and factual errors. Here, you'll mainly find me frequenting the EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound 64 pages, since those are the games that I know about the most. See you later, and: Say Fuzzy Pickles!

As of 10/9/23, This account is no longer active. However, you can still contact my Proton account if you want to engage in a discussion with me: Nintendo4life101 (@) Thanks for all the memories. Saturn d.pngSaturn i.pngSaturn n.pngSaturn g.pngSaturn exclaim.png Saturn b.pngSaturn o.pngSaturn i.pngSaturn n.pngSaturn g.pngSaturn exclaim.png Saturn z.pngSaturn o.pngSaturn o.pngSaturn m.pngSaturn exclaim.png Saturn d.pngSaturn a.pngSaturn k.pngSaturn o.pngSaturn t.pngSaturn a.pngSaturn exclaim.png