Mother: The Original Story

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Mother: The Original Story (Japanese: to be added) is a novel released exclusively in Japan which is loosely based on the plot of EarthBound Beginnings. It was written by Saori Kumi and notably follows Ana's point of view, rather than Ninten's, covering the plot of the game from Snowman up until its ending. Though it largely follows the plot of the game, it takes a few other liberties such as adding characters, renaming characters, or focusing on portions of the game in greater detail.

The cover of the book.

Content Summary

Ana is a devout christian, who believes in the existence of God and continually prays to Him. When Ana uses her powers to inflict damage on the people crowding around her, her hair turns a pale white from the stress of her psychic exertion. Ken then telepathically communicates with Ana.


Ana's hair turning white could be a possible reference to her in-game sprite, which has a pale-color hair the same color as her skin.



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