User:BB Gang Zombie

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Revision as of 12:47, 18 November 2011 by BB Gang Zombie (talk | contribs)
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Finally getting around to writing this...

About me

Uh, well, while I love the MOTHER series as a whole, but Mother 1 is my favorite. I love the unique atmosphere the games provide, and the community is amazing. Besides EarthBound, I also love Pokemon, mostly the old ones. (And SoulSilver. GB Sounds=Nastalgia overload... even though New Bark Town's music doesn't sound QUITE the same as it used to...) Uh where was I? As far as the EarthBound community goes, I love Fobbies are Borange. Loids are not Christmas is part of why Mother 1 is my favorite, and also makes me want to hit things with my hand. My favorite character from the series is Boney.


In regards to gaming, I play a few MMO's sometimes. I love hacking ROMs, and have some ASM knowledge. I know some Japanese too, and have played all the games in the Mother series in Japanese at least once. In anything competitive, like Pokemon, I despise hacking with a gameshark or similar device. All gamesharks should be thrown in a volcano. ROM hacking-wise, I like to mess around with game code and break the game into pieces to find how it works. Currently, now that Mato released the Mother 1+2 translation tools, I am making a Loids are not Christmas translation patch, and wow, they ramble like crazy and I'm surprised it doesn't break the ROM.(Holy cow!! I mean really! Queen Mary's speech alone took almost 2000 letters!!)

Other stuff you don't care about

I like to draw, though I'm not that great at it. I drew a cat once. I like to cook, too, but I usually burn everything.

Someone asked me why I don't have a SM account listed here, the reason is actually because for the longest time, I didn't exactly *have* one... (Yes, I'm a shy weirdo, it's true... so back off!! :P) Er... anyway, I contribute to the starmen forums under the name BB Gang Zombie, mostly because that is the most awesome combination of enemy names I've seen in my entire life... Though I don't really say much, I mostly draw hideous drawings and post them for the world to see~