Monotoli Building

Revision as of 17:37, 9 May 2011 by Miles of SmashWiki (talk | contribs) (...)

The Monotoli Building is the mayor's office in Fourside, owned by Geldegarde Monotoli. When Ness first arrives there, he finds that Pokey now works there, in his own office. After the blackout in the Fourside department store, Ness and Jeff must bring a Yogurt Dispenser to the top floor. The Clumsy Robot attacks them on the way up, but the Runaway Five rescues them. Geldegarde Monotoli then frees Paula, and offers to let Ness use his helicopter, but Pokey takes it first.

Sprite Enemy name Notes
SentryRobotOverworld.png Sentry Robot None
ClumsyRobotOverworld.png Clumsy Robot Boss
